Sunday, April 24, 2011

Response to obervations of exercises

Exercise 1:

My feet try to balance evenly with each other; even the slightest movement makes the weight shift beneath my feet so that I continue to stand.

If I do seem like I’m going off balance my arms also begin to sway and counter act so that I don’t fall over

My back also begins to either lean forward or backward until an even ground is reached and so that I am sitting up straight.

My muscles (depending on where they’re located) are contracting or relaxing to allow for me to stay standing up straight.

In terms of senses – my vision is associated myself to the rest of the room and searching/scanning the room for special awareness.

When I close my eyes my body adjusts a lot to a loss of vision and my body sways ever so slightly more because it is not receiving the visual cues from what is around me and to center myself.

Exercise 2:

Standing on one food requires much more focus and attention.

My foot and calf muscles rock back and forth much more trying to center by body and not fall over, especially when I close my eyes, the rocking becomes much more intense and I really have to focus special and try to visualize where I am in the space and something to focus on so I don’t tip over.

Exercise 3:

When walking, first my calf muscles tense – especially when I’m on the front ball of one foot about to cross over to the heel of my other foot

Next they release and the top of my feet come into play with my shins to tense after the first muscle group has been released.

My quads work hand-in-hand with my calf muscles, tensing ever so slightly to raise my lower leg and bring my foot forward to take the next step.

My upper body stays pretty straight and aligned and my hands sway a tad, the right moves forward as the left leg moves forward and vise versa – this helping to maintain balance

Leaning forward seems to speed me up, as my body tries to over compensate so that I don’t tumble forward

Exercise 4:

When walking super slowly my mind has to work a lot harder to tell my body what to do, it is not as automatic or nearly as natural as a normal walking speed, where I don’t even think about the movements or muscles being used

Slow walking is much more engaging to my muscles and they have to work harder to maintain the upright position of my body.

I am not nearly as solid in my posture or balance when trying to do this slower and my arms also seem to work harder and bend to over compensate for the slower movement.

Exercise 5:

Walking backwards again takes a lot of effort and I immediately have to look behind me to make sure my path is clear and throughout trying to walk I often glance behind me to make sure I won’t fall or run into something. It is also much more difficult to walk in a straight line and much more balance in my arms and legs is required. I am easily thrown off balance.

My feet seem to roll back to the heel with much more force and effort. Also my calf muscles are put into more use.

Strangely it’s much easier for me to walk backwards while standing on my toes, than trying to do a “normal” walk only backwards.

My hands also do not sway back and forth like they do when walking forwards; the balance is seemingly not needed.

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